Who was Charles Darwin?

Tamer Aydogdu
2 min readMar 10, 2021
Who was Charles Darwin?

English scientist Charles Darwin is most known for his books “On the Origin of Species “, and “The Descent of Man”, which were published in 1859, and 1871 respectively. Charles Darwin is the first human who made people aware of their place in the evolutionary process, which directly or indirectly helped develop many scientific and humanist ideas

Charles Darwin was born in 1809 in England to a doctor father and a financier mother. He was a poor student, and academically, he was a disappointment to his father. With his father’s insistence, Charles Darwin first went to the University of Edinburgh Medical School, which was the best medical school in England.

In the second year of his study as a medical student, Charles Darwin joined the Plinian Society, a club at the University of Edinburgh for students interested in natural history.

Although he studied theology to become a clergyman after he quit medical school, he ultimately chose to further natural science to further his study.

The Dilemma of Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was brought up as an Anglican Christian to an established Anglican family. Therefore, he believed the earth was around 6,000 years old, and the earth and all species were created at the same time.

During his studies, Charles Darwin discovered fossils of different now-extinct animals, and those fossils were on top of other now-extinct species. It could not be that species were created in their current form all at once.



Tamer Aydogdu

Tamer Aydogdu strongly believes democracies cannot survive without respect to science.